Justice yesterday. in the Fractice Court. delivered judgment on ramp stated by Judge Winn: ke, who at Ballarat on 4th Emptomher reversed a lection vi the Ballarat Court of l'etty lining James Tyler, draper, of Bridge. Fireet, £20. with £4 costa, for exBring for sale a textile material contain.
arg wool and cotton. to which a fulse trade riescription was applied. namely. Hannel Judge said the only evidenve given 09 to the titie meaning of the word in the recution againet Tyler war by HI officer, who said the material the under shirte was not flannel in accordan. with Order 15:2 10 19 of the commerce mantafiona.
lt wAN asserted tor Lue the meaning di the wond 54 :14 known by dirtionary usage that WaR properly applied to material -14ting wh: liv of wool. or at any wanly oi and thust, at any rate, a containing the proportion 111 the undershirta exposed for ALL Tyler would he folely described as Rut defendant called a MAR of priloner 1.1- persons engaged in the trade and ordinary the public with mriderole experience in the purchar amul materiala. That midonve he 11 inneke) regarded al the Nect that the material wile 11 ports grade, dearibed it as contained A2 1. uf 11p appreciated on handling. Therefor lie round that the description applied by de.
fondant was not false, allowed the and quashed the convictina. Mr. Justin namen raid Judge Winneke. in his opinion. nad not given euflicient weight to the fact that the official description must not he because it was opponed to the judg.
ment of witnesses 8A to what ought to constitute flannel. The great mans of in the trade would not attach the material wold by the appellant the name that the witnesses in question had feigned to it. Therefore he directed that the penalty of £2, with £4 10.8 costa, one red at the Rallarat petty be reimposed. St. Lowe, for Trier.
informal his Honor lint certain facts of important had not her: fully pet out. The article. in qure had been enld br the trade in quatty for years dA flaneol. Hie Honor Paid ur would are. if these were laid defore him, whether the matter merited further conidoration, TOWN PLANNING.
ECONOMY AND ART. ADELAI A dstralian Town Planning Conte on: A 1A continued 00 Thureday. Planning for Economy. W. B.
Grithn. dirceto: ot and one It the Federal vapital, 411 reading a paper on Planning tor said there A yet little evidence of protoward deliberately conserving eforta resources in systematising such under184 ings ad communities. rities or couptries. It had been computed that in ten neceeraly corrections nt. intolerable evils, due to lack of town planning in England, bad cost £00,000,000.
AR a suitable minimum for gangle Al' double horn, he Fuggrated 60 fret wide: but the generalisaton was only a cahift. 45 compared with the grouping that should obtain when the location ot each and 01 L- building was determind by the physical com lition af eites 111 gramp to secure the maximum advantage In ail. In the cane of turinesa premises, a whale vily frontage het reco street was properly single unit for development. When they tinally rearmed the point of economically locating cities and connortione, a still fur. ther chapter of planning for economy would he opened up.
Need for Civic Art. Mr. G. K. Jones, 1 weset.
preidont the Inautute of A Now South Wales, rontributed a paper on and Civic which, ic wad the art of HO planning and deigning the component he beautiful. The object of town planning parta towns and icier that tary and civic art No to develop a town chai to citizens enjoy greateal me. convenience cami comfort ol living, and might be uphited. miritual'y, morally and arm national interest. It war clearly one of most important modern movem-nie for the alvatement Were Australian, 113 nation, to It it pass as worthless Australian Cities.
A An The Future of paper Cities was by Jewry. F. 4.. Tighy, vee-preadont Victorian Torn Planning and Parka Avenciatinn, And T. G.
Town Cerk of Melthat "in land .16 vast ALE Australia bourne. In thin paner it WAR pointed out here in nit need whatever for overrowding outner The inhabitant nf the or or the various buildings that go to make op cities." Dealing with existlug rities, the paper urged the nf wystem of volupment, involving overcrowding and uglinesa. together with inconvenience of communication and misplacement of railways and other transport WAR laid on the need of a central author. ily in each State for the control of town planning and development. Que bf the firat considerations tor A newly planned rity WAR location of its railway and tramaay vet vices, and "loo ofen A 114- tralia, notably in the vase of Melbourne.
the railray contre been settlel in AT1 inconvenient position." Town planning laNe hath for new of the fainre and the evolving cities of the present were Must- gested. The Discussion. In the dincussion which followed. ligby (Hawthorn raid that in Victor: loral government legislation was totally in. adequate to prevent conditions.
There should be coordination among local government authorities Ar to the line on which the city and its should he built. There should be Dozious trade area. They should prevent working mom aml 11reir familiew, who could not help where I ad to live. from having their heath 1m jailed by proximity nosiona Mr. Ellery maid one of the principal difficulties ho kad found in regard to city work sinre hr had horn in bourne WAS the Pleating nut or improve.
mount of nugrated 1 They had found that to compulsorily arquire two portions in Carlton which the health com. mittee required would cont something like $100,000, and on an expert. valuation the mORt they could get hack was £20.000 or If Melbourne were to low mo every it, ment on dibdivinional work--it mignt he very well from the health hut what hout the ratepayer, who had to foot the bill He did ant know what to suggest to overcome the dificulty, although he thought ultimately they would find a solution. Mr. J.
H. Curnow (Rendign) maid the trouble in Victoria was that half the population wanted to live in Melbourne. If the country districts 'of Australia were riven fair play. they would be able to re tain their population and increase it. HUGHES V.
WATSON. TO THE EDITOR OF THE AGE. I am not in a porition to nake any statement as in the terms upon with this action was discontinued, in dit Charge of my duty to my I feel compelled to say that the statements which have appeared in the are incorrect.Form, GORDON J. HOLMES. Melhourne, 18th October.
HOW TO STOP PAIN IN STOMACH. THE VALUE OF MAGNESIA AND HOT WATER. Generations of people have employed hot water a soother of pain In the but modern physicians and specialists have discovered and wed an addition, which readers the hot trebly eftascious. Hot water In all of stomach pain, whatever but still better results pre obtained a little added, Hot water attracts blood to and the which la the undertr That la excellent folles who this apecially renders drinking Municipal Association. THE ANNUAL SESSION.
The Asocialion annual of Victoria of wa- the brought Municipal conclusion yesterdas The provident, ('r. P. J. Hawthorn tor chan. The Annual Report.
"The hawed report that the of thr amount executive to the credit committen of the agenciation 231 more than the plowp of the previous year. The (H had had number of proposals for the amendment of the Local Government Ant under but. owing to the nearne of the goueal electione for the A and to the pro. aLt ansion being a Ahart one. a rom promeasure vond not be brought forM.Ire! thir year.
An amending bill. Lho 7 me tried by the association. wa4 INION by Parliament. was exprowed of too action of lie Government in regard to the DeRoads Bill. and it hoped hofure the char of the year Parlinment would give the nave to ho Cit 141 OUT it prO- and Ailmet nere adopied.
Infectious Diseases Patients. cutive Other Resolutions. Other revolutions, d.s follows, were carr H. Walled (Seymours moved-That oun il: should 1 given and authority to all pard by thorp The Queen': Memorial Infortious Hospital from the persons treated in the hospital. (r.
Hancock Colar) though: the power should given qu respect of .11 hospitals where infections wore treated. Cr. R. H. Kerr (Fern Tree Gully) said the question wan a.
hig one, and should he further investigated by the executive committee. Ite moved, as an amendment. that hr matter he to that body. 'The amendment was rarried. A similar motion, relerrwg to contributing councils only, was also referred to the the Local tot 1015 should he Amended to make 11 ir that property hell by institutions claiming to br inaticutions.
And 11-03 in or commercial way. shall ho teemed to be ratable property. That bala1 short- af municipal cemeteries should he andited and shown on the shire's goneral balance sheet. That Artion 414 of the Police Offenies Act should ho altered that it may ho nutinnal for the Governor in Coaneil to order the total prohi. af sale and to of WaT matchus in anY locality.
That it should ho A punishable to smoke in the harrow Boll, etcept with pipe properly roscred. That sention 145 of the Wraith Art 1915 chonld ho amended to provide Hut It cases of notiAable (moze particularly are from one municipality to another the counril of the muniripality in which the iron suffering from the di-02-0 was and 1 lie council of the municipality to whirh the suffering notified Phould hr immediately of surh chance of residenve by tho responsible person. That the endeavor to have the local Goverument Act amended in orler allow municipal council to stark stone on private land, the ronnoit the land owner for the of the land. That the should acropt responaibility, for half the total mort of netting fence 34. joining Crown lauds.
an rodeavor he mast in obtain for munici. palities the same powers with reard to tither on roads other than awin role 15 has been given to the Country Roads Boar! a- to timber ou mato mails, and also to mako all trees planted by romneil on mails whether main roads or not) the property of the council. That the I Government Act br amended 5O 1n pride for the rating nf Crown lands where surh lawls Are In any way for producing in A similar manner to which landa owned or occupied by private indiridual ate used, together a recommendation the executive committee that it did not support the proposal that properties of charitable institufinna whondd be rated. That the Government he urged 10 amend tian 346 (2). part 14.
rif the Local with ment the Act 1915 FO that may, consent of the 'Governor in Council, ohtain loan in resport of works or purchases already compirtel and paid for. That in the opinian of the association the For department should forego the ch.irgy for alty ing at present Imposed on muniripalitina out works for the general goo-1 on rOarta. That the avociation Andravor to obtain the introdurtion of Irgirlation that will give relief to prunicipalities in whose districts there are roads In forest ATFRA which are ted chirfly by tho which conveying heavy forgot produce, in respect of a very in Large royalty revenue and in mecived hy the That romnulenry enforcement of the freight. Thistle railway Act try municipalitira ho approved, provided that the Government arcept responsibitity fir the eradication of noxious wells on Crown lands. That the Thistle Art should he amended as to made an hy a municipality a full and personal complete notice to rut, in tiru of the prosem notions.
list That of the law persons he amended 0 as to provide that hr printed who are authoried witnesses muniripal on the heck of postal papers fo; Act That should section he 195 (2) of the Local Government electint under this amended art as at any resigns or becomes the returning omerr dies, deputy incapahle of Acting, the be the returning or or mayor cent. or mayor. the municipal oferr: or, clerk." tailing the returning of That properly it to he he made compulsors for alt sale concerned hy ho not fed at the inunicipal office rent. Ven tor or his .1 motion directing aitention to the manding waste of cattle. incurred by the in liscriminate and urging tipon the Government the of introducing tuarsio to prevent handing on the thr: out hdre fag referred to Chamber of.
of Agriculture. Voter thanks were pasard 10 the and t.ic portetary. A TRAIN FATALITY. BOY KILLED BY SWINGING DOOR, FATHER AWARDED DAMAGES. through an accident which happened at The death of a boy.
15 yeara of age, milway station. formed the Aubyeet of an action winch concluded in the ounty Court yesterday. hefore Judge Eagleson and jury ni four. Plaintiff, Stephen Butler, cf Deep Creek, Mit711. re it.
dealer, rued hr RailABS fur L41. In 3140 March, 4011, Steichen was, with others, waiting on No. 3 platform for the 12.55 p.m. train to Mitcham. A train ran into the siding, and an carriage door knocked hint down.
inflicting injuries from which he died. Fle had previously been in the employ of an insurance office at Melbourne, and was ceiring a wage of £45 a year. It plaintiff, coniended tint by Air. the Lowe, who of appened for owing to the kid was negliante of the railway em in having alkwed door of A train to remain open, and that the father was entitled to damages. The Comminformally depied neghgeure, and alleged deceased contributory negligence on the part in standing too near to the edge of the platform at the time, and also in pot oberring the approach of the train.
The plea WAS also put forward by Mr. C'uabeti, on beltati of the defenre, that all carriage docra were closed prior to the train entering the station, wad that a door only rintat a have short been distance opened by some passenger from the place on the platform where Stephen Butler was stand10K. In these, circumatances, counsel were muted not that liable. the The Railway jury Commissioners of found in favor plaintiff, a warding £200 to the father, and £100 to. the mother of deconned, being altogether.
with costa. stay of proceedings was granted. The Daily Circulation of The 151,740. LENOY SPECTAL LORD APPOINTMENT BLINGTON, TO HIS EXCELNEW PHALAND. EX-GOVERNOR OF NURSE MIEN EVERETT, Electrical and and 'The Wellington Aitken1917.
Wellington, Now Leland, under date opinion of the Clements N.8. W. specialist Clemente fo 40 Toula my one many of cod patients. am, "Yours truly, EVERETT." Appetite, Liver, Debility, SPRING RACING CARNIVAL. V.AT.C.
SPRING MEETING. Acceptances for Saturday. DRY HI 011 Tro miles sue turlong nad 04 varda. 1: 1. Charma Afinitis Single 10 6 Lord I'll Ineti 18 A NURSERY.
furl Indy Fir The Th 16 I. King King Kiln, le the 10 12 Stu Afety findd 13 I'rrera use 13 13 A tide A 7 13 IN A STEEPLE: HASH. Two 3 furlongs 4D vardo. 1h. Pa Fino disal Blind Murpny 10 The Hyiran Lan Nato 12 Fret lady HANDH'AP.
Mix furlong. Whiteheld 1 onl P. l1 dal 1h. If King lAW Abra: lady San 4 King 1 la Fall Vern r. 1.
Key Ute Rohell SIMIRA WELTER. One st. th 1b 1 Secret tueler 10 8 3: De God 18 land Conan Talion 18 I'ren Tim Tragn SIr 4 thalmidor Trine Rosal Strident Walachia NEW ARRIVALS. caterday J. Burton arrived at Flemington with Wratcourt, Fartrourt and Percolow, and F.
J. Marsden brought over ago by the same train. The firtnamed 14 patting up at the Water oo Cup Hotel, whip Maraden 19 quartered ab R. H. Fros't, CANDIDATES FANCIED.
(nome WAR the moat freely diacuened (nuttield Cup candidate yesterday, but there was really very Jittle to choose he. tween the Bright Steel gelding. Bronzetti and Lingle, and there are indications that the laatnamed pair will be in atrong request to-morrow, Sir Amyas, Mistico and Wallace Isinglaen are ropeidered to have equal chaneca. The lastnamed is Dot. a0 ire quently mentioned as be WAN a fow days agu.
l'ah King, on the other hand, has in favor. and King's Bounty has supportera, while Fuel Locin is by no Chroma Unlucky In the Coongy Handicap. Chrome had 1 escape from injury while running in the C'oonky Handicap on Wednes day. AL one staxe of the race Chrome back, with the result that he anil was galloped of his on by some home behind aim, hind Inge WAR elightly cut. Fortunatoly the injury 'ATta barely skin diver, wit NOL affect in the R.
J. E. Riley. will rido Comme about 5 1b, over wright in the Caulfeld Cup. FINAL CAULFIELD CUP GALLOPS.
At Caulfield yesterday morning Bronzetti, Rael Locin and Wedge went particularle well. The firstnamed was ridden by F. Dempsey, who appeared to be able to use him injured left hand without much inconvenience. Bronzetti had the all over Court Jester at the end of nine furlougs. fUN iu the excellent time of 1.50, and the colt pleased hie admirers by finishing strongly.
Going alone, Rael Locin (R. Lewis) knocked half second off Bronzetti's time, but the lastnamed may have done a bit better if put to the test. Still, Jael Lucin went very well. The question troubling him Cautield Cup admirers will he stay the mile and a half Last year he ran third in the Coongy Handicap with 1.0, but. carrying 6.7, could get DO nearer than tenth in the Caultield Cup.
Wedge shapes more like stayer than most of The Wolkina, which, after al. ja not ing much, seeiug that Laius so far about the only one of the family to sucrenstully Degotiate a mile and a hall in open company. Yesterday morning Wedge carry; no his Or niint. L. A.
Walker, left eleven bwhind in the excellent time of 2.204, and finished well. Later in the morning. After min bad affected the track BOLDEwhat. Sir Amyna. with R.
Lewis in the ran a mile in the fair time of 1.48%. The imported horse lonka well. Few of the Caulfold Cup horses went fast at Flemington. Wallare Isinglass and Satin Bird. 111 8 blinding rein storm, ran Dine furlonga on the coumae in 2.54.
Pentana IT. Burn) wrat nicely over the Cup distance in 2.48. PROBABLE CAULFIELD CUP RIDERS. The Now Zealand jockey B. Dreley las been engaged to ride Rand Lorin.
and G. Wallace will have the mount on Bronze word. Lambert in now spoken of at the probable rider of Fantaric. LATEST SCRATCHINGS. Marlbyrong Plate: Orto.
TRAINING NOTES V.R.C. SPRING VENTING. St. Spa-d wax withdrawn from the Cup 031 Wednesday. The following scratching TO recurded yesterday: Plate: All Too, King lardolph.
All Engagements: Bundone. SYDNEY SCRATCHING, FLEMINGTON. There wont probably That have been murh loping under any conditions on Thursday, hust owing to the ruin, which imply poured down times. there was ver: little indred. On the Course.
-Biplane went mtle and halt, but horan steadily, and only had the pace on for the final 4pven furlongs, which he did in rapital form in Wallace Linclass and Satin Bird, who went during a blinding dorm, were extendel for nine furlongs 121 and Democracy and Thesaura cut nut three furlongs in 394 Pentane iT. Aurni had something to spare while running A mile ADd a 2.49 KunegeLis (W, Smart) extended for Ave furlonga in 1,01. while Blushing and Oren Prince WeT even time for the mme distanur. Lenins POS -winging along for nine furlongs at little outside of even qued, and he moral froply and looked very well, On the Big Sand Track. -Litmus ran the last ex furlongs of his work in 1.26, Perian WAD just loside of evra time for half mile.
Sylvan and made even time tor mile and quarter. Nehy was going easily for mile in 1.673. Hichrlew 1841 did usefol work, and Royal Martin ran ahr 4ix at reVen furlongs 1.225. On the (L. Franklin) stretched out for six furlongs In 1.20.
Colchis went half a mile in 554 and Ottapdort (W. G. M'Leanl WAS and extended for mile and a quarter In 2.10. Thena Colbert did An even time mile. On the Inde Sand.
-King Kore (P. Tehan) did not while have Bronze any wood dimoulty (6. In Wallace) running a mile in 1.4%, wont canily for the mate distance in 1.53. Chrome was down for walking exercise. He was galloped upon during the Handicap, and patch of hair cut of on his near hind lex above the bock, but did not an the worse tor it.
Mintico and Yanwere out for nary work. CAUL FIELD. RAEL LOVIN, WEDOR AND BRONZETTI GO WELL. On Thursday morning the open for work, and enrly the going was la drat rate onler, but betore half the work was rot through 4t commenced to rain boevily, and continued the moraing, that all the late workers La lace hither hoary Newton led of with some work, Rad Loco Lewis) did wall to run furlongs in the dat four in 61 mix in 0.17 and the in 1.44. St.
Mira Anished hh work with furlongs fo 411 ex ran strong circle. Sera took alipped over for half furlongs mile. in 1.19. Que A. Walker) in 1.29.
the nicely for Bre and three Wedge fucker in and nrle the (A; mile Walker) in 1.40, sod be to bold (L. Lion) over a An 60 taut Star Em the over In distance In Whitedald (Hell) spirted King Erastus Arthur oncupied 1.94 light Bronsett! (F. Court Jester (G. Eaton) over in the halt mile In 1.1T, and the in the Inside running. Fortune Runter teas tor rain commenced dat mile.
did Breta last mite hah in in 63 Men. 4 cot Howler) over the (8. bally st the end of in 0.004. bat ho in early Gettine JA let off wish nine 2.44. the in Mountain 4 took 1.12 for five Lime (Dunci) Pr Nan! light of ho and quarier in Verdun did well to MO Half a mile.
in Ar. ton for Ru. (1 cabert) WAT Mix furlonga in warily the distance in took 1.49 for nite. Sate! W. well in For furlongs in 1.2.1.
Do amited by din the name in 134. Bart Princess Mola 554 MW. over half Kongoroak ran Mix furlongs in 1.20. ani lari Linacre t.2. 1,00 and Belgium Waif wow.
30. dec, half a mil, ami have ROTe further. Pima klyped vis furlongs in Fret Lady WHA re More a mile quarter 9.23. Fou tire Orinoco and took Petit 56 Noir over 1.20 halt a Over mil the mile in 1.30. Mnighy thy mond for of seven turbines.
Bingie Barrel nine. forlouza in 10. three in goal sty)r. Fortuitous I jumped hurtin farly W011 for A diam tor In RO-NI Mom. of 0 1: tanka.
AS NOTON. PAL FT morn xI Art d. on the a lown hell wide. Limestone and went one roond at halt pure, Tor cantered twice the distance. Fern Hir! wan allotted the task.
was HO Pimity and tvondele Went three Protones in 4 Grace Note WAP1 in 1.:44. sorrel Gin The save the haut three AL race. Renolh W'AT! furlongs in AR rau in 1.10. Hand Ait went A sinitar 17 Kie: br 11alf toile in want 'two furlong in PiraTe Pa a Psor won Mund in 1.35. wide 20 three furlongs in 43 art Bonte mix 1 0 this gallop 0U the 27 a Dream Man.
Little Morvo, Purdo. Daleburrie. Hotter Boy. Nancy, 1 vtroge, Breadwin Tr Mutin Th Earlie Parton, Durant, Ere Linderom Star all did servicrable work. SPORTING NOTES.
TODAY FIXTURES. Friday, 19th Gun meting. at North Brighton. After a beneficial spell at Tuttamarise Colonel Light to be put into work again at Flemington in a few daye, Jo.innie Collies injured one of his knees Then running in the Ringwood Steepleonase last Saturday, and has bien on the eary lint eince. The pony clubs in Sydney have decided to haid several of their meetings ou holidays, and will clash with Randwick OD four days.
It will br interesting to sec which will get the better of it, bat there is little doub: both will suffer. As the A.J.C gives all its protita to patriotic fundie, it regrettable that there should be any opposition The to the Rand wick meetings. following riding engagements have been made for the Ascot Thousand (142), to be run next Monday: -Sylvola (L. Franklin, Syncopation (F. Herbert), Panty IF.
Lucy Alwyne Sharpe), and Lord Barcaldine Wilson). Alinough the ow Der-trainer of Lady Sunderland, C. (. Butt, has alated that be intends appealing against the action of the atipendiary stewards in disqualifying him lodged the mare for tro years, no apped was at the V.R.C roster day. At the annual meeting of Trafalgar Race Club on fay rvening the balance sheet showed that during the past raring period over £100 was donated to various patriotic institutions.
while the Federal income tax for reccived over £30. The retiring officer were re-elected. Mr. G. Buckleton was made life member of the club.
Mr. T. R. M' lean, who is about to leave the district, donated to the club plans and for the erection of. grand stand.
The offer wan opted with thanks. The date of the nert meeting way held over. A programme of 15 drawn up. MELBOURNE TROTTING OLUB'S HANDICAPS. Monday, tb Octobir.
Flying Handicap, nine du Hanur Roy, Barenur, Philan, Dourtite, Flower, Heir, Dan Bell, Blue Eyes, 10 35 30 yds. Btraner rda, Whips, 45 7da Proud 70 Burnley Hundicap. nine fur Luth lady ('love, Epir. Pal Bruishtwry. Threw, lord 30 The Don Som Hector, Ha Red Dester King, 10 Briar Rowe, 6 Young wNe, Aberdeen.
Welcome Violet Chimes, Direct, 30 Kooreha, Querp Lady Linda Bardo, Mermaid, Plorkla, Daphne, Edith, Goo trood, 50 Chimes, Rostreror, Coiledon, Dirk to, Home ital, Wali un 70 Queen Nell. lindenow, mine furlongs. Bell, -Trustworthy, Black Trot, Dot, swim Laddie, dir John, Wilkes, watch: Plodder, Dick Turpin, Maid Ron Merribank. Ton, Rob Mac, Chrises Last, Chuppe. Mac, 10 yds: Loafer.
Master 20 Marce, North Park, Hooet Guy Diet. Proctor, Cairo, Little Mark Albert, Kentucky Lady, Mary Mauribarkd, ria; Jack Willie Beck, Cinet of the The Orpina, First Cleve, La Star, Tot M' Kinney, 40 land, Rosend, lady Idalia, Rakeripe, Irma, Hav Fagle, Prinurcee Pride, Real Lady, Calabash, Robert MIT. Bier, 50 75 The Lary Laity Rill, Little 70 ya; MilLovebird, Red Ode, 110 Kentucky hate, 160 yda Signal, 320 la TrotTA, Mro miles. Lady -Robert Parute, M' inner. Deer Carne hope, Maid Mattir.
of Tenor, Barrister, 6 Blarney. Harry On, Vale, 14 One Ananse, Mac, Farrie 30 Hun, 1. Pretty Finz Almont, Fair Vorigo, R.It., Extri 80 M' Mum! Direct, 100 First Trip. Haroldinta, 210 Jim Dick. 330 Homired, One mile and quart Daisy Direct, RiShon HAll Bell.
word. SiTver Lottin 5 Wise Daphnr. Retrevor, Dilr, Worn (himra, 0' War, 14.: Dirk Alto, Mins lian Whips. Rule. 16 Wil.
Mountain 11m, Dan Willie Mar, Jim Mesr. Lord 30 Girl, 25 Prairie Merman, Wilkes Wanga. Flower. Matt, Homieigh 1rk, 40 45 Eminent, 110 Hon: Kate, Harrilla, 80 FdA, SPRING THOUSAND. HORSES LEFT IN RACK.
After frat payments had heph made for the Spring Thousand, to be decided at Aacut on praday, 7th Norrmber. the fallowing horses mained in thee THOU A flandirap of 21000, Fur galloways and h. Five furlongs and a half. Run Wednesday, 7th And 10 3 Abil1 Fictimore. Alleyn Court Perorite Taiyuan A 0 Bruma 10 Bolther Bor Ejector 3 Footport Mi Le Far St.
Halyrw Ens 11p Top Brnha Maid Me Amith Four Stop Wilza Milloo The Marne ORICKET. Victorian Junior Sucuml Ofer Railway and Gront), North Darn uTrI Rain), Havelock Rou: and Apillane). Workshops District (Thomas ani Conner), Gray), Victoria Brewery Y. Belmont. (anilton Wow.
v. Brewery Matches to be played and on Devine), Preston bye. the ground at the clubs, on 20th and 274h October. BILLIARDS, AROTOKEY V. CAMPRELL.
J. Campbell, champion of Vietoris. midntained his lead of over 200 Ahotomey, of New South Walrs, in their match breaks 14,000 for up. the parlor. The prinoipat 86; and Abotomey, 48, 100, 68, 41, 17, day were: 47, 121, 74, The rame now 5,060 Abotomey 1,501 Play will be resumed at 2.30 to-day.
TO- DAY. MELBOURNE AUX CUCB, 1 Frarp: Pool, 25 yards 10; Sweep for others. At 2: Handicap, 2.50. Two noma, SATURDAY. STARLINGS, Sweep -At for 1 others.
Sharp: 2: Pool. 2 pool. right Trophies, in two dirt for. FRIDAY, 10th OCTOBER. Trophr fur Hospitals and 220 Handicap.
ALL EVENTS RESTRICTED TO MEMBERS AND APPROVED TINTORS. BOXING STONE T. KAY. Many to exprea delight vi at being afforded an opportunity two of the world's Fred Barry Stone, in action to Aight, They are the most unorthoder tell with will happen when two opposed. The there will LTy mat.
after which 21 101 hace! wit. toe prementol at 7.60. 4t little Immlame, in Billy 144. 4 rED, over Fix a they will be followed try welter wright jut between 15illy Booterank Hale, torri today, BIG JOE JACK READ, JOE GENT JACK HEAD Tournry Bout. Hard Hitting Rantama 1.
WREN WREN HILI COURLAY, COUKLAY, Rounds. Willing Welters, (South FRANK Melbourne). HALE V. BILLY BOOMERANG (Aboriginal), Air Rounds. Helbourne Visitors should book their frats to at once at the Sports Depot, (and tax).
KAY AND HARRY STONF. FRED. KAY AND HARKY NTONT. An Opportunity not (o tie Missed Seeing "Freakish and "Hop. Harry," absolutely the two greatest surprise packets in the boxing CURTAILMENT OF RACING.
Our Kilmore corrmpondent writ 4: "The allotment of one day for the sear to the Kimore Turf Club in viewel with 4 adderable dimarefaction, and the af holding a race meeting on a public holiday or the weekly hulf pran. tirally rendens it impossible to ran meeting. During the past year the Mah nOs de. votel £376 to varda patriotic and charitable funda. and haR hewn FXpended upon improvements In the coutre in four year.
The Kitroore clan La the oldest in the State. and the imposed are adhered La will mean that no meeting be he.d locally for the Dex1 year." A largely attended meeting on Wednesday night, mpresentative of sections pi the amociated racing of Southern Quemeland, protested agaiant the anal; number of racing allotted to lotteri them it proportion to the mumber alto the chrha in other Sutton. deputation was appointed to wait. Federal muthorities and urge that inore equitable treatment be given Qucen, land clubs. TAXING A CHARITABLE BEQUEST.
reserved decision was tr the High Court yratenky, Juntiers Duffy and Rich, in rotation to a aperial cano dared for the opinion of the court by Mr. Justice Barton. The Trustees, and Agency Company appealed against an of the Tuxation in atate al Mary MacgOT, late of Hotel Vitoria, rde, 4 Ibert Perk. Probate wan granted to the wil! in August, 1014. The cautots were to pay charitable an I anduities 10 relatives: to holl the crate, with accumulations 1d income, during the of the of testarria, and antonyauntly to the Income certain charities our.
to Nrl bourde and one -fourth each to St. Vincent's Hoppital and bourne Benevolem Aeylum. In Jiny, 1915, the of the palate were valined The income 'the 1015.14 42014. the of LAT5 being accuomilated for the fund. The gioner Taxation redartin amounting to ad charred on £1478, the ensumt of chined being era The contention of the trustee was that the tar WiN not an tic.
ammat accumulated in the charities fund. being exempt by cha provisions Ar met retatirne to Questions were submitted to the rourt as to 1. app. to income tux in of the 2. Wat thet incant a fund bay the of charitable intitition 3.
will for public charitable WOR To tax in rrsect of the 450 18 (the chimed in reapert of the wym of cam). The court want 1 in the and I ju rhe negatisr. A GIPPSLAND DIVORCE SUIT. The creator part o' retentay was in the Tramvice Court by the hewing mi HI for divorre in which Robori Thomas, 31. lahort, of Wallemibern, N.S,W., of Mule, Ititioner.
and Jolia Them 12, of Sale, mondent The grounds were napondent'a alleged misconduct with Thomas Martin, marrial, cub driver at Sale, and with person unknown, Mr. L. S. Woolf was for the hut Mr. Macindoe for the wife.
She lended cititer with Martin or anyone cite: but her pealing wan amended during the hearing by misbehavior with whom. be derlined to name, saying this act wow condurel 14 by tioner having deserted her and left her without melA. Or pEnt ution. Marriage took place 10 191L Towards the end of acconting to petitioner, after one child had been born to them, respondent took great dudike to bet, and re. fused louger so bu his wite.
As cho persisted in that row he left dair in April, 1918, and tan away. 1t was down by dent tobitimony that child bury 10 in Neptember, 1914, of which it WALA maid chi- hast adestited to nurse chat Martin was the lather. Both beture and since that child's birth Martin Ind been seen countantly in uni about her plure of in his Alence, prostioner said his wife had child to Dian before she him. Mr. (ureen found mix by the woman with the co responder: had teen provil.
He granted decree nisi, with costa against Martin, and directed that 210 nut ol 620 1 b3: bal beea poll into court for de. frive by petitioner be handed bark to him, th the whild of the union, girl, he wait Lionel' application for charge of Per was vitiated by the act that he had left the without provision for therefore 93 the mother had always wall tooked 4ftpr her, who could renuis with the mother. petitioner to pay per towards her support. Later, it an applicatin Were inade, am Kuod shown, than order might he rescinded and riven 11 tive father. Arris, or pititionet to the child 10 he arranged between the parties.
The Park Boating Fatality. 14NGERS OF YACHTING OVER ROWING COURSE. 1u inquest was hold al the Morgue alay by the City t'oroner on the duly of Carnow. 38. inet his is whil-t yachting ou Albert Park lake 11 18th in4t.
who Wale in the tar suid for the jutty, but mirderl, and hail to go out Windst he 45 Le on the way bark so raring fours came along. and the boat A the ya he Pr. The bow the boat went over tho rile of the yarht. and 11I the abdomen. Miter pome 10 tne tiler ales A- 4.13 -itting ho would not Li Ton boat, M.uly 1 Til ho 11 did! that Vale ON.
Even if the Hirt host had not -trunk the van hi ahr must have 10 the belies the rule in that myrrything river WIT to the sailing 1 could not May whether the raring bnata did anything In avoid the Other wit F1 10 Raid there was nothing but the winning flax that neithe wa- in progres. Thry unable M.IT a lather as A' ni danger F. Welch, al rAring and that when the but var about fifty from t'n Finning the vacht apprarel right Witnes tried to Ku round her stern. The Coroner it appeared to he an avident. Evidently the wind hail porno.
thing blame to do with in. He did pot think any attached to the A verdict of death wax turned. Police Promotions. Police Promotions. I T.
Abern has' bern appointed superintendent in plare of the late Superintendent G. Shaw: 11. .1 (moks will become inapertor. and First Clans Sergeant T. Bowden will become inspector.
TOO ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION 100. 'url 2. U. sloabir, Hav ha, 2 ruLer I TuntA 193 aml Jo, 12. Dully, :0 4 8: Wash 2 and MACHINERY AND IRONFOUNDERS.
LITE Mock nt Manhuse Terrie 4 alone makes, fut And gratin. AL. hare more Virti10. 12 Bailer for LAN Eu 100 Lb working marine, 3, bA Thruds Pry. IN.
be Tory Sone, solfaird, W. AndetA Olatche Hate Pallaya, selection Friction Sons. Linenin-st. Richm ad 20 and al TACKY Build In Machinery 0. Ch.
-Wr Tara, Traigo and 280 4. Meth, Phrar Machinery 3498. for all purpos Reach. Ch. --Jit Saw 1 3 Daw sail secoudhand.
6-16, ACEY Machinery. -Automatic for wondhandles, chisel, rake, boe, A.44, 2 A h.1.; (ah. Pouch, to, rate for um; Wander. High Kilda, I'hone, anter. Riml, net12 horse.
3 lintr, eN war le, Tangier and 2 10FTh. S. Meth, Prat. printer's; 1 Finishing 1 ,11 hr. Gibby Machinery stocks and thorcughly is good MIDning onder: inquiry invited.
Cameron Sutherland, Queen's hodge. A 610. ba Star xl 411 Saw Millinz far try Sue: I Catalogue tru Girt lures, ELECTION NOTICES. ONIDA ILA ILA TORATH An friende Co. ur 4r 4.
J.P OnIX af ins returm fur 11s Pars AN 'it ITEM 2' tha worl a pus. A 70 detra! 4 It: D. clambers Filiaib to strut. PUBLICATIONS. fulle tr Ortubr Run and to dA'.
GL. 7.1 131. Iratan, UR Mela RITE The THo Looding COLE'S Contain CANO, 8000 the ORA in AL end fir 131 Boarke Ala ot cud 2000. Tr Roth burarin, WINES, SPIRITS AND PROVISIONS. Wonderful A.R, (registered) Wine Tonic, and DoLLie.
All chem lineman E. and or Aruold 114 Elval ch Meth. A.B, MONEY. 8. 4110K 1AGH LUANG.
NO F. A VIABORD I. A FISBORD Ilene in atreet. 10 baNTeDL. and private Da and 4uten a ON ON Pard.
When 5103 Mr. fun. 4'n't he Lito 2' ON Anthinx business fAnDPT, Gril nervaut, hank per flairymiD-in fart, any hop requiring 'ODDYUS iN l1 ca write, wilt morale the cab, quickly, 41th. an; billa of ante ur trib Lets; Any 10. 2:00 ur Dote.
Over 40 Years. Al Son. from £3 to Any Ambuot, Low and Petrol Security lo Suit Rowire Hie Moner AL ONUE. AY Transictiuos diritly 4 toufidential. Hourke and Pica beti: struts, fran A wards.
without so Than Lid, city: merits. 2 ur 400 Yurra. First of all, Reliability! CRAIG'S Gentlemanly Tailoring Renowned Patronage a Testimonial of Merit NUSTOMERS of Craig's Tailoring Departthe very best style of Tailoring without paying a fancy price for it. Our customers are Gentlemen, moving in the best circles, and are sound Clothes and what they should be, and their constant patronage is unique Testimonial of real merit.Send or Call for Sample Suitings of British and Australian Tweeds, as Tailored to special measurements, from 4gos. Craig, Williamson Pty.
Ltd. 8. to 26 Elizabeth Street, MONEY. A. rod' WANT The Otice to out of then mente in the WHAT I OFTER £10 up wards.
and strictest privacy lent day. newspaper mall wort's effort used to seal refrains a loan. ignutrira at pure -No in nachha of -103 In Ladies. to Last 10 on If HARRY $17 MARRY 12ml door Phare 079 4 Pride A A. NEW ROPTA INVESTMENT dr P.
or Without Removal, or ADS other DISCOUNTED DAL.Y. FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, GLAZIERA. ft Ama'l Stims Cattle, Parme Implementa, Furniture. Hi Tran TO AND OTHERS BUSINE A by Returu MARRY IA MOAR. 109 QCEMN-STREPT.
MULBOURNE A A. This Rodnes a the (ONe Door from Little Telephone 1984. Buering and 18 IT EN 25. E10 or MORE MORE Yur YOU WANT hare it at shortest. notice today if with.
'The WAr maker my In moot note of 18 Mill ed mourh for tor. Only mall Workly. that ton in preition Muothly Insta repay mate, Ly LANES, WORKERS Are 2 of a fair and her dealing and tairlie tortur ly ED the m. with the srint 10 in if Fri needi of If 31 078h, RING put. 10 Amel mo 04 the in SHIP hr TO PROFESSIONAL WEN OF PERSONA 14 AN WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY.
£10 We will advance on £10 £20 saarity ut tho LOWEST E100 £. 1110 1P TOO to must INTEREST tn VAL and yours af. Ur Mum. 14 SAANA 00 PURSITYRE, 10 20, PIANOS withont remoral. E50 Ta DAIRYMEN Loans 100 fir 1-it LIVE Wrote 115 for Mura, particular, More.
op, 11 MITCHEL, Open v. Friday. A p.m A A. A. RI' REAIDENTA.
LOANS form L3 to I toil GRANTED to BOUSEHOLDERS, LADIER, 4 Abd This Lu 0.00 LA TONDI LADY who INTERVIEWS A LA 201 CAL. ON. suburb. Write hat the horself. 'mibal, 1911.
AGENCY, Call. no Ago Once) bours, 10 Am, to; 10 A. In. 10 12.30 DAtA, A A A. LADY INNIE HER OWN MONEY PRIVATELY.
From £3 to £110. sectrity, to in laches and No 104111 no mil ale, tow toured, condential. ba Also loans al an day: un ECONOMIC without mortal MISINTAS AGENCY. 49 4th Door). Open till A p.m A Ad for 110 for £20 for I in constant work or 0 ul 23 or on varda TOTE PROMISE PAY No pabl lesly, MEETS on and carter.
Itior up. write no object) or call. If my reprintative will take the money to Ar home. Logan to lain Rite speciality. 470.
30A Sydney- road, 'a door from the Theatre. Telephone, 674. Opez till 6 p.m. LA. Without Hcour 22, EX crud to working 00 their to Do an noT.
MD PTY. LTD. Collars A PRIVATE LID LOANS I Art ON Any Hon YOUR 'M Working Man, No Inquiries So urity, A 317 -100 from low bury inquiries, adm salut cord Fur A A.A.A.- Cure F. Raitray can A BORROW SUTRITY, parate hotter, 3 minutes from No tourly, Houne, 9 a tn. to 9 p.m ANDERSON.
Footsory. NORTH CAHUION.for £30 Ar Nut 16. No Scority. Preything A of rictly A trad. No 41.
Hath a GRAY Pant A. -4 MANLY MAR Pi OF PORTUNITIA 1: the helping here, There one to to Wantiner in aurd al a dela; bet. thee with strictLY MANY You with hie that Laurent ID NOW YOU. farm Me. PR of MI de -bra N.
thing or WOt are, 14, 3 ans tanker. 41 ca: OF MAY. Dwihle MIA I RA Carlton. A -Murey, far With 10.. withou: ug VO1.
15L Albert Pr. Lent privately. trim 48 130 small dev. M. rollinLip Cultun Phone 8.70.
£5. 410 and Upwards LENT it Hirict P'rivacs One of MAND. CH.1.4 himbat 1808). Fourth Ho Flor. 814 lina-street, 8037, A P.
Li: dat NOT' NP 4: to tar 9'. :6.1 fern TI MI PUP lank. A DVANCE.A ER own lent for 1'rn, £1 intent any for 3 ether months. Larger al rates. Anytlung in this column can be by MA than 135 by GINGE.
Maritime ch. umber Hu a 03 corer Latte and wrais at A dale. OF 44 pad. DA A mate. mole liatris on al; kind, 343 Tho14 Phone 2724.
A DV mutal, furture, pisso, without Kis Te cinchim, 424 wi'bnut of Phonine. n7 r. FAR AN. Why why Run Barmby, Lent, 10- 317 A corner and 195 eta, assistance, Lend Money to anyone temporTelephone, Central, LOAN GRANTED IN TOWN OF ONENTRY ALEXANDER and COPPEL, LEADING Private Amore: LONDON HOUSE, 2nd Floor, Elizabeth-street. Ent.
1762 A ANT St. frechokt, properties. Dawson, Malb. MONEY. -Our plan without DA Hopkins puhlloits, no repayments, a lite E.
policies, ready. motor, on Dotes Red. 97A Queca-st. A CAs constant without Bunding Money, country, Dirert. aminsion.
A VOID Dill paras (without personal. Peristein. 248 8561. ANI EDWARD AMOUNT CAMPER AT ANT TIME Males CASE LOANI On BEQUEATS, ANNUITIES NOTES ANT WITHOUT £3, 26 and Upwarda, MARSHALLA Prali' a Prose HOHOTT QUICKLY MONEY. CANARD 45 QueenBE private.
during est Well Ad Amit inter gal. 1. Ear Mad: BE Cate 9 ift Roth berr), LA, dA I with may Don 210 332 Godfrey Barkt A A 3 months for CA Melbourne- far 8 1. In £4. IT IF written prumise nay.
months Fre mo longer At fates, Turn lirity. Da other 131 chargre. 1 freer, HEAD Money, ilia, fuchoids. mirin. Irascholda, George Martin.
445 Little Codina A per A Install. available. aid lend CrIme. more nad la. in.
FLINDERS AGENCY Ago Office, TO LOANS. from £3 to In The and WORK ERA HONOR 4:18 NTRIOM.Y PRIVATE -4 An 3TH the The rid he a lady. not. Ac who residing ADJ called 1911. Crot.
Parate £10 Ahle ray insta Abraham. Fo FRAY to £MO on. Tendi cediately. privately, of maurity, in trite TARRY int. T.
Kran. whator, Queensland freeholl. no commemon; or ton baying nE Lead no quarterly. PAT 74 arts. braise), Hi.
1 promise tr 23. -1 LEND and your written foos No 133 LOT Little Doll Sr. Steele Es mani. 7T Goalphone call withfrom Zig Abraham, 0 OMBRE A and 17 Queen boT cent: terme to mut 10 Land, 6 ba A W. B.
in 0. low interest, Th) Cutches, 418 Caltr Ar. Lend 4 AT. FAIrY: TOWN: at Lira farm 450 R. to I and CA 1 mont 107 Nolan aL buy ad to hmm, 122 A Jibs war 97.4 all on juan a ib 4 Bride It- T'A charve, IMincen Waller to bourst wit bout publicit, from Church NATIONAL to Lend.
117 Quern ha 1 9. Sawth (W. Grey 454 and Prat ta Lend. al rates at krew! withwat remoraL GodPr a luation Lend. A twill Rums 173 £100.
A 80 dintely Pounds, 20 20 At MAraared tureba 19 Godfrey 1 bmGACH AT AND MUCT BASK CRADIT KEPT. Overdraft made I ty try TAJ Advances monthly insta na 10 Yours 21:14 84 14 Monel Tach 12 Years Fab Far 150 IL THE Mmer Pquity Iron at Queen, bus Trit to DO urban, Lad country lands. are small dry, M'Eny 94 cams, retro and other Morova at lownt OT and properties I. P. 415 17 Collins, Money to Land on Blake Ruggall, coliciton.
120 Melb. WANTED front, CAN, morguer 4 10 A 4000) 5. DortL -000. Juan Kram. 420 Mount Counter Anturban.
Paul's Your Doors from Railway J. J. FORSTER. leaky Bed BARON tally titi- At en of the to the fart, that he hw teen korand wards of TEN TEARS do MIA his practice has he by from grateful patrone 1 Dr this NO nub! ww. to miser my pataglia.
HIGH DENITSTRY Min Guaranteed Without br LATEST AMERICAN A ITEM. and Dr. Rio Find at Loform the Er: blic thut it 15 at The REMEMBER. I NiTe DNA FAT VENT, TIA 1ALY No Agencies, Touts IA Third THE PRESS PRAISES, The M.
dival dean 5. our 14. AND THE PEALI ENDORE That this Marvell A mot man of Banned TEETH, WITHOUT PAIN, Is firmonetrated 4 Plea 11 to be am Qua on th the 0d Our Pu Ar AMERIAN NOTTI, TETH. firing rt and Natural BEAUTIFUL SET AF TENTH tum Plate, 1 ire. tho D.
re Th material Contour naminting of the Face nard for Reprodured. ded a detection. Comfortable. light and dor In tante and AnI pure. TEETH NOT PITTING REMODELLED ON NEW -ANTI.
REPAIRS A PErIALITY TI To DATE GOLD CROWNS Cal and do: Specin-ena and latest Modes Our WORKMAN4 An EASY CAN AN ARRANGED. Fall Net. from me shine. £1 Single Tonta. L'earl While.
La have or tool oVating and 1 detote to tame he perad fare. ura, uly I 10 stAy cht 1. hurt I A MI POOR and, reputation. COUNTRY PATIENTS CAN PI: FITTED DI UNE DAY. CONSULTATION TREE And also a Saring of untaining Ant 'omfa and Patianta Adrool Cut OuL for Refer HEN LA: Lm To A TL FRIDAY.
EVENINGA, l'atti AFTERNOONS, L'oul 1. al 1 Before Deciding bere to f. FORSTER. AURGEON TAT. 11 Dirratly Opposite At Paul's Four Doors from Rauway Phone L' BEAUTIFOL BET OF GOLD TOOTH UP ONE PRICE, £1 ONE PRICE.
One OF Bast Lite World Cha Lt. ONE Alone, tar it la Dune by Experts Only. TO SUBURBAN Mad COUNTRY ention than PATIENTS more. You I cannot bare pet One Price, ver butt or at 700 the pet better than the parrot ft cod You tear the of and guarantee CAN BE FITTED 1N COUNTRI ONL D.AT. PAINLESS TILL ALL DAT.
OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS S. CORNER COLLINS-STREET, SWANSTON-STREET, Net WIRED WIRED Fo time Bets. for 400- humAn Jong cold state. tically day 122 Colton AS SULTH Splend a Fhat A for 1 AU.