Guild Boss Guide V1 | Awaken Chaos Era - AyumiLove (2025)

Awaken Chaos Era Guild Boss is a boss where you and your guild members battle against it using 4 heroes to get daily rewards. Each week the guild boss rotate to a random element (Fire, Water and Wood).

How to beat Bankeh Guild Boss?

  • To deal high amount of damage to Fire Bankeh and reduce damage intake from it, use Water element heroes. Fire Bankeh has a unique passive that reflects a portion of damage to your hero based on the boss’s Attack stats. Hence, use heroes who can apply Attack Down debuff such as Blackhorn and Lordrec to sustain even longer!
  • To deal high amount of damage to Water Bankeh and reduce damage intake from it, use Wood element heroes. Water Bankeh has a unique passive that removes all negative effects from himself. Hence, use heroes who deal true damage and rely less on inflicting negative buffs to deal more damage. Rogge and Charles are decent Elite heroes who can deal high amount of damage to the boss. You can support them with Hakrin to boost their Max Health and Defense stats along with Blackhorn for healing and cleansing.
  • To deal high amount of damage to Wood Bankeh and reduce damage intake from it, use Fire element heroes. Wood Bankeh has a unique passive that removes your heroes buffs whenever the boss attacks!. Hence, it’s recommended to use heroes who can deal high amount of damage and less reliant on buffs to increase your damage output. Recommended heroes for Fire Bankeh are Jacob, Thomas, Connor and Rogge (tank bait). Rogge plays the role to bait the boss to attack him instead the rest of the team who are kinda squishy.

How does the Guild Boss targeting work?

  • The Armored Incursion Guild Boss performs his single-target attack on the hero who has the least amount of Max Health if the hero is a neutral element. The neutral element refers to both your heroes and the boss having the same element type.
  • However, if there is only 1 neutral element hero in your team and the remaining are strong elements, then the boss will target the neutral element hero regardless of his Max Health.
  • If there is a hero who is a weak element type in your squad, then the enemy boss will go after it instead regardless of the Max Health.
  • In conclusion, the boss’s target priority is to attack the weakest element type, followed by the neutral element type, and finally the strong element type. If there are 2 heroes who share the same condition (e.g. weakest element type), then the boss will target the one who has the lowest Max Health.

Bankeh Guild Boss Skills

Bankeh Common Buffs

  • The buff listed below occurs commonly for Fire, Wood and Water Bankeh Guild Boss.
  • Control Immunity (Buff): This character will not be affected by control effects.
  • Machine Booster I (Buff): +100% Attack. Max 3 stacks.
  • Machine Booster II (Buff): +300% Attack. Max 3 stacks.
  • Machine Booster III (Buff): +500% Attack. Stackable.

Fire Bankeh Guild Boss Skills

  • Retaliation: When attacked, this character reflects a portion of the damage back to the attackers according to this characters current attack.
  • Limitless (Passive): +100% Attack per round. +300% Attack per round after round 4. +500% Attack per round after round 7.
  • Triple Strike: Deals damage to an enemy. Grants a bonus Mech Slam attack if the target is weak against this character’s element.
  • Mech Wheel: Deals damage to all enemies, plus True Damage that scales with each target’s Max Health. Has a 50% chance to apply Ignite for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown.

Water Bankeh Guild Boss Skills

  • Antifragile: Removes all negative effects on this character at the end of their turn.
  • Limitless: +100% Attack per round. +300% Attack per round after round 4. +500% Attack per round after round 7.
  • Triple Strike: Deals damage to an enemy. Grants a bonus Mech Slam attack if the target is weak against this character’s element.
  • Mech Wheel (Cooldown: 2 turns): Deals damage to all enemies, plus True Damage that scales with each target’s Max Health. Has a 30% chance to apply Poison for 2 turns.

Wood Bankeh Guild Boss Skills

  • Sabotage: Attacks remove 1 positive effect from the target.
  • Limitless (Passive): +100% Attack per round. +300% Attack per round after round 4. +500% Attack per round after round 7.
  • Triple Strike: Deals damage to an enemy. Grants a bonus Mech Slam attack if the target is weak against this character’s element.
  • Mech Wheel: Deals damage to all enemies, plus True Damage that scales with each target’s Max Health. Has a 50% chance to apply Bleeding for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown.

Armored Incursion Videos

F2P Team vs Water Banker

Ayumilove demonstrates how to defeat Water element Banker (Armored Incursion aka Guild Boss) using Charles, Rodira, Rogge and Hakrin who can be easily obtained as a F2P (Free-to-Play) player and reaching Level 20 damage to complete Foody’s Progression Guide! This video explains the stats to prioritize on each hero along with the recommended equipments and synergy between them!

F2P Team vs Fire Banker

Ayumilove demonstrates how to defeat Fire element Banker (Armored Incursion aka Guild Boss) using Charles, Abbott, Joseph and Hakrin who can be easily obtained as a F2P (Free-to-Play) player and reaching Level 20 damage to complete Foody’s Progression Guide! This video explains the stats to prioritize on each hero along with the recommended equipments and synergy between them!

Armored Incursion Screenshots

Below are the screenshots of the Armored Incursion feature implemented in Awaken Chaos Era (ACE).

How to access Guild Boss Battle?

Step 1: Click on the Guild icon from the tavern to access the features provided in the guild system.
Guild Boss Guide V1 | Awaken Chaos Era - AyumiLove (1)

Step 2: Click the “Battle” tab located on the right side to display the list of guild bosses. Select “Banker” to view the highest score achieved by your guild members.
Guild Boss Guide V1 | Awaken Chaos Era - AyumiLove (2)

Step 3: Click the “Enter” button to form your team to battle against the boss that you have selected.
Guild Boss Guide V1 | Awaken Chaos Era - AyumiLove (3)

Guild Boss Guide V1 | Awaken Chaos Era - AyumiLove (2025)
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