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Baby's First Year
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I am not looking for opinions on whether or not to pierce my baby's ears, just looking for insight from those that have had it done. My daughter is almost 5 months old and we have an appointment to get her ears pierced at the pediatrician next week. I am almost completely comfortable with this decision. She's up to date on shots. I am home with her all day so I can manage the cleanings. I am just concerned about her sleep. She is not the best sleeper and prefers to nap on her belly (I constantly supervise these naps). She can roll both ways so there is really no stopping her from laying this way. Does anyone have experience with piercings on a baby that sleeps on their belly? I know I personally hate sleeping in earrings so I'm just not sure if the ones they put on babies are the same and if they will bother her.
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My daughters were done at 3 months. Shes not a belly sleeper but a side and back sleeper (always head tilted to the side) never once bothered her. She doesn’t even know they are there
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my LO is a belly sleeper as well. She had them done at 7 months. Completely unbothered, didnt phase her at all!
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My daughter's were done at six months. She was totally fine, and she, too, was a belly sleeper. One note: make sure your baby is getting ears pierced with a needle, not a gun. My daughter's piercer used stainless steel earrings and we used NeilMed spray per her recommendation to keep them clean. My daughter did have some green goo and blood from one of her ears a few days later but it was perfectly normal and she had no issues or infection.
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same here! My baby was 6 months, she is a side and tummy sleeper. Maybe she woke herself up on the first or second day, but otherwise no disruption to sleep.
Needles is definitely best! I went to a tattoo shop and she did a marvellous job. There was a little blood the first few days but no infection.
I pierced my ears at the same time for solidarity :) And this way I knew exactly how much it would hurt lol - which was less than a flu shot, and a little stinging the first few times cleaning.
Good luck
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Baby did hers at 7 months and is a belly sleeper. Unfortunately, in my country, no one does piercings with needles before the age of EIGHT YEARS. Anyway, they didn't use a gun, it's a different contraption for babies. They did such a lovely job. She cried for literally 20 seconds and was laughing after. I never had any issues of bleeding or anything in the days after. They gave a healing gel to use, had numbed her ears 20 minutes before the piercing, gave her some calm drops after and a little 'I was brave today' certificate with her footprint. She cried more from a stranger holding her foot than the piercing lol. All in all, a beautiful experience with no pain or trouble after, not with sleeping or with baby
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They usually put in sleeper hoops or very small studs that don’t bother her !!!!! She would be okay momma ❤️
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