Catch You Later - Chapter 2 - Tymki - 原神 (2025)

Chapter Text

“’Vision Hunt Decree’?” One of the guards asked.

Heizou and the rest of the Tenryou Commission officers had been called in to a mandatory meeting at the headquarters. For once he felt as confused as the rest of the rest of the soldiers. How infuriating. But his intuition, at least, told him a bit more. Unfortunately, what it told him wasn’t particularly good:

Trouble was brewing in Tenshukaku and it would spread to the rest of Inazuma.

“That is correct.” Said Kujou Sara, the tengu who, even though she wasn’t strictly in charge of the Tenryou Commission, still ran everything. Her adoptive father worked more in the shadows and on the handful of times that Heizou had encountered him, their meetings left him with a sour taste in his mouth afterwards. He had no idea how someone that unhinged managed to father three children. His approach towards parenting didn’t seem to involve much of that ‘love’ stuff that was all the rage these days. Discipline and devotion, on the other hand…

“Our orders, from the Raiden Shogun herself, are to seize anyone within the populace who has a Vision, and to confiscate them.”

“Why?” Heizou asked, before he could stop himself. All eyes in the room landed on him. Normally he liked attention, but… this felt uncomfortable.

“Because, Doushin Shikanoin, those are our orders. It is not in our place to question the Shogun and the Decree. If you have a problem with this, then you can hand in your badge and resignation paper now.”

So she had no clue either. Honestly, having such blind devotion seemed so exhausting to the detective. Regardless, he said nothing. Even with this new order in place, his priorities remained clear: to eradicate crime. He just had a feeling that this decree would make his job a whole lot harder. People wouldn’t give up their dreams and aspirations willingly. Honestly, what was the Shogun even thinking?

Maybe he should move to somewhere else. Mondstadt was a pretty nice from what he had heard… it'd be neat to see the home of the Anemo Archon. Since he had an Anemo Vision, maybe they’d get along…

“Also, please notify the fishermen around Inazuma to fish closer to our shores. The Shogun has now set up barriers around the main islands of Inazuma.”

“What do you mean by ‘barriers’?” Another guard asked.

“A permanent storm, which will surround Inazuma. No ships are allowed to leave or enter Inazuma without express permission.” Well that dealt a heavy blow to any and all trade. Judging by the groans that resounded around the room, this action wasn’t very popular. “Travel within Inazuma itself is permitted,” Said Kujou Sara, raising her voice to be heard, “But if you wish to leave you need to get express permission from the Kanjou Commission headquartered in Ritou. Foreigners are allowed to visit Inazuma, but only through the port of Ritou and they also need permission from the Kanjou Commission if they wish to explore the rest of the islands.”

There were still dissatisfied mutterings amongst the ranks. Most people didn’t have Visions (and were jealous of people who did), but he knew at least a few members who had family and friends in places like Mondstadt, Liyue and Fontaine. One of the captains loved bragging about his son who was studying at Sumeru Akademiya too. Poor guy, looked like he wouldn’t be able to see his kid for a while.

And it looked like he wouldn’t be going to Mondstadt soon either…

Kujou Sara managed to silence her subordinates eventually. The crowd listened in dissatisfied silence as she continued expressing what the new decrees entailed in finer detail. Once the meeting was adjourned, she visibly slumped her shoulders in relief as the men and women under her command filed out of the door. Heizou himself, however, hung back, wishing to talk to the tengu privately.

“Yes? What is it, Doushin?” She asked in her usual stern voice as she packed up her papers that she had used for the meeting.

“What? I can’t just come see you because I want to?” Her unimpressed silence said it all. “… But in all seriousness, I do have a question. If the Decree says that ALL Visions are to be confiscated, what does that mean for us? What does that mean… for you?”

“It means that we deal with the Visions belonging to the general populace first and in the meantime… we should try not to grow too attached to ours.” She muttered, fixing her gaze on her Electro Vision.

“But don’t you think it’s unfair? You’ve been dedicated to the Shogun for so long, and how will she repay you? By taking your Vision.”

“It’s not up to us to question our Archon’s orders, Shikanoin. Merely to carry them out. And when that day comes… I’ll gladly hand mine over to her. My personal views and opinions on the matter aren’t important. I am a general - I know my duty. Do you know yours?”

She spoke with such conviction, almost as if those were words that she had repeated to herself as a sort of mantra before the meeting started. Excellent speech. So moving. So rehearsed. But even then, Heizou could hear the small waver in her voice. She was not a natural at acting, and it showed.

“… I do know mine.” Heizou replied quietly. It differed from hers considerably but he knew it. “And I will do what I can to follow the Tenryou Commission and the Shogun’s orders.” Because otherwise he would be fired, and he couldn’t have that. “You have my word.” He put his hand to his chest and gave her a small bow.

“Thank you, Doushin Shikanoin.” Sara said, a note of sincerity in her voice as a smile threatened to form. In a day full of complaints and grumbles from the people around her, as well as fear for what the future held in store for her, maybe those simple words were the nicest that had been uttered to her that day.

“Think nothing of it, General Sara. I’ll leave you to your work now.” She gave a brief nod. There was silence as he felt her watch him leave the headquarters.

Well, it was time to get back to solving crimes. But with these new laws… weren’t they becoming thieves too?


“Coward! You want my Vision, but you’re too scared to hand over your own!”

“Now, now, Mr Takayagi it’s not going to hurt.” Heizou raised his hands, trying to calm down the terrified man with a sword. “We’re just gonna take it for a while, okay? Then you can have it back when the Decree’s over. How’s that sound?”

“Liar! You’re a pig just like the rest of ‘em!” Heizou flinched at that. “I thought you’d be different – I thought I could trust you! You helped me find my daughter again. How am I going to keep her safe without it?!” Heizou watched as the sword shook in his grasp. Terrified and holding a sword. A bad combination.

“We’ll keep her safe – we promise.”

“Stop lying to me! I’m not giving you my Vision, you can take it from my cold, dead body!” With a cry, he charged towards the detective, sword raised. Heizou easily deflected the blow with his jitte. He sent it flying out of the man’s grasp and, while the man was distracted, took his Geo Vision from him.

“I wish I didn’t have to do that, but see? It’s over now.” He smiled at the man as he handed the Vision to the soldiers beside him. “Go take it back to the Tenryou Commission headquarters, ok?” They nodded, gave a smart salute, and then took the Vision away from the pair of them.

“Wh-What…” The man mumbled in a daze.

“Oh, sorry, you’ll feel a little dizzy for a while.” Heizou explained, “But it should clear up soon enough.”


Where am I…?”

Heizou’s stomach lurched.

“Mr Takayagi, are you okay…?”

“Who is… I-I don’t know. Who am I? Why can’t I… I can’t remember anything…” Heizou watched in horror as the man fell to the ground and hugged his knees to his chest.

“Mr Takayagi, stop joking around, this isn’t funny!” But the man didn’t seem to hear him at all. He whimpered to himself and started rocking back and forth.

Was this… what losing a Vision actually did to people? Ate away all of their hopes, dreams and aspirations until there was nothing left, not even their memory? Was that what was going to happen to HIM? How could anyone see this and still think that it was the right thing to do?

It was the first, and only time, he took a Vision.


The rain blinded his eyes as he tore through the countryside. Each breath in tore through his lungs, and then immediately left. He needed to breathe, but he couldn’t stop moving, not even for a second. The arrows and shouts had died away, but it was only a matter of time before they came back. A matter of time before they stole the only remnant of his dear friend away from him.


He gritted his teeth and clutched the Electro Vision tight to his chest. He would never let that happen. He would rather give up his life than surrender it to them.

Using his Anemo Vision, he ran.

Where to?

He didn’t know.

Nowhere was safe anymore.

There was no home for him to return to.

Through plains, hills and forest he sped, using his senses to help him avoid monsters. But since he was going so fast, it was hard to register dangers in front of him. He had to rely on his memory too, his feet carrying him up the path towards Chinju Forest on autopilot-

“Ah-!” He bashed into someone. The impact made him roll a few times before coming to a stop, groaning in pain as he clutched his shoulder.

“Ow, geez, watch where you’re going- Kazuha?”

The runaway startled at the familiar voice, scrambling into a sitting position as he faced a tall blond adult man with a red jacket.

But he knew that it wasn’t Tomo.

He would never see his dear friend again.

“Kazuha, what’s…” The blond male was brushing himself off, but froze when he saw the Vision lying between them. It had been electro, but the colour was dying away moment by moment. “Whose… Vision is that…?” The man asked, but a part of him already knew – and dreaded – the answer. He approached it carefully.

“S-Stay away from him!” Kazuha cried out, his throat raw with emotion as he unsheathed his sword.
“… So it is his, then…” The man stared at the Vision of the friend he knew well. “I had heard that there was a duel before the throne, but I didn’t… it… it never occurred to me that… it’d be him…” His voice cracked at the horrible revelation. His stomach felt like he was plummeting into vast nothingness.

“G-give him back… please, Thoma…”

Kazuha’s voice brought him back to his senses. Thoma took a deep breath to steady his nerves as he looked over the wandering samurai. No poetry flowed from his lips. His eyes, normally so calm and thoughtful, were wide with fear. Tears in freefall from his terrible, terrible loss.

He was a broken man.

“Okay…” He said, trying to keep his voice even. There would be a time for him to grieve later, but right now, he needed to work on consoling Tomo’s friend. “I’m picking it up now- you can put your sword down- I’m returning him to you, like I said I would.”

The Vision was empty. There was no colour in it, no glow or light from his ambition or determination. It was an empty husk now, and the only warmth from it came from Kazuha’s own body heat.

Focus on Kazuha, not him.

Thoma gently crouched down and approached Kazuha slowly, like one would approach a scared stray animal.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you…” Thoma said gently as Kazuha’s wide eyes focused on him. His breathing was a bit less ragged now, that was a good sign.

“Give him over.” Kazuha thrust his right hand out. Thoma’s eyes widened at the burn marks on his palm. Had the Vision done that? Nevertheless, he obeyed, gently placing the Vision into Kazuha’s outstretched hand and closing his fingers around it to show that it was indeed his now and that he had no intention of ever stealing it from the samurai.

“I am… so, incredibly sorry for your loss…” Thoma whispered, with as much feeling as he could muster without breaking down himself.

“I-I couldn’t do anything…” Kazuha gasped out, his hands shaking violently as he held the Vision close to his chest. “He just- right in front of me… it’s like I was just there… to watch…” His sword clattered to the ground. “What good am I, if I couldn’t save him?! Where do I go?! What do I do now?!” Thoma took another deep breath. His heart ached so much, watching the man in front of him so lost, scared and confused.

“Well right now…” He said as gently and calmly as he could muster, “Your hand needs treating before it gets infected or causes you even more pain. Come on, let’s take you to the estate-“

“N-No! The Commissions – they’re after me!” He desperately reached out for his sword again.

“Kazuha, look at me.” Thoma turned Kazuha’s face to him. Red eyes gradually focused on green. “He was our friend too. I’m not sure that you’ll be able to stay for long, but we can patch you up, okay?”

“They won’t… inform the Tenryou Commission…?”

“They won’t.” Thoma said firmly. “I’d stake my life on it.”

Kazuha gave a hesitant nod as a response. Thoma helped him to his feet.

“Also dang, you run fast.” Maybe a change of subject would be nice for both of them. “Any faster and I would’ve sprained something…”


“No worries, just watch where you’re going next time.”


There had been many tears shed once word had spread around the Yashiro Commission, especially from Thoma and Lady Ayaka, who tended to the burn on Kazuha’s hand with the use of her Cryo Vision. His visit felt like a blur. First he was in front of them, then he dimly remembered eating some food and then being wrapped in a blanket. He vaguely remembered turning down an offer for a bath. Who cared about small, insignificant things like that right now? Before he knew it, he was placed in another room…

“So, what will you do now?”

Kazuha blinked, and suddenly he was in front of Ayato Kamisato, who was wearing a sympathetic look on his face.

“We can give you food and rest, but the Tenryou Commission will come looking for you here. They can be very… methodical in their approach, too. You surely know that too, correct?”

Kazuha dipped his head as a sign of affirmation.

“… I don’t know, Lord Kamisato…” He mumbled as he stared down at his now-bandaged hand, feeling himself tearing up again for the umpteenth time this day. “I don’t know where to go, or who to trust. I have never felt so… lost before.”

“Here.” The Lord Commissioner offered a handkerchief of his very own. “I know things are incredibly hard for you right now. Let it out and then tell me if any answers come to you afterwards.”

Kazuha wanted to obey, but he also didn’t want to ruin a handkerchief that had probably cost more than everything he owned.

He stared at it instead, and the initials painstakingly embroidered into it. He hadn’t expected the head of the Shuumatsuban to be sympathetic to his plight… but then he remembered that the Kamisatos had been orphaned at a young age, just like he had. If there was anyone who could empathise, it would be them.

Children from nobility, forced into roles of responsibility from too young an age. But while Kazuha had sold off all of the assets from the Kaedehara Clan, which had long since been struggling, Ayato and Ayaka had worked to restore the Kamisato name to its former glory. A part of him envied them for their dedication. A part of him felt sorry for them. They would continue to live lives under scrutiny from the public and from jealous rivals, never truly free to live their own lives and fulfil their own dreams.

“… What would you suggest?” He asked, once he realised how quiet the room had become.

“Hmm, well as you know, a man with my figure and standing cannot be seen helping criminals.” Kazuha raised an eyebrow as the Lord Commissioner gave the smallest of smiles. “But for people who wish to escape from the constraints of everyday life, I hear that Watatsumi Island is most accommodating. Very warm and picturesque, too.”

“If anyone is listening in, you know what that means, don’t you…?” Kazuha asked. He didn’t know if Ayato was brave or stupid.

“It’s hardly the first time I have committed treason.” Ayato replied with a much-too-casual shrug. “But if anyone was listening, I believe you would be the first to know. With your keen sense of smell and hearing, you would be a perfect fit for the Shuumatsuban but, unfortunately… that position wouldn’t interest you, would it?”

“… No, sir.” He admitted. Right now, Watatsumi Island did sound like the best bet – he wanted to be as far away from the Tenryou Commission as humanly possible. “But thank you for the offer anyway.”

“Thought as much…” Ayato sighed out. “Well, come and let me know if you ever change your-“

“Sir!” Kazuha leapt up immediately and drew his sword at the newcomer.

“At ease, Kazuha. What is it, Madarame?”

“The Tenryou Commission are in Chinju Forest!”


Heizou inspected the trees as him and the soldiers Kujou Sara forced on him walked through the forest.

“Hmm, seemed like someone came through here in quiiite the hurry.” He said aloud, more through force of habit than because he was that interested in solving the case. Each time Sara had forced a case on him, it was something Decree-related. He always gave results, but he loathed these missions with a passion. Apparently it was related to that duel before the throne that happened earlier on. Someone came along and stole the Vision from the defeated party before fleeing the scene. He hadn’t watched it – he didn’t really see fights to the death like that as a form of justice – but it had caused quite the stir throughout the city.

The debris from the bark stopped at a certain point. The escapee had stopped for whatever reason – but what had caused it? He looked around for clues, and saw some foxes and tanuki eating some fowl which had been dropped nearby.

No, not dropped. Flung. As if someone had been holding it, but was then forced to let go. It was even on the walls.

He looked around at the trees again. The bark was shaved a bit more here than in the rest of the forest.

A collision.

“Excuse me, Mr. Tanuki…” Heizou said, scooping some fowl off of the wall and handing it out to the tanuki who eyed it with interest. “Did you see two people bump into each other here?”

The animal watched him for a few moments, but then gave a nod.

“Could you tell me where they went?”

He watched in quiet amusement as the tanuki headed up the path, ignoring the soldiers’ snickers.
“Let’s follow the trail…” He announced to no one in particular.


“Gooood boy!” Heizou cooed at the tanuki once they were by the Yashiro Commission headquarters. “You did so well! Here – as promised – some more food for you!” He watched as it grabbed the fowl in its mouth and then trotted back to the forest. “Now let’s see what’s going on here…”

“Ah, Detective Shikanoin Heizou, what an honour to see you.” Ayato Kamisato bowed to the detective, his smile as creepily neutral as ever.

“Likewise.” Heizou bowed back. “Pardon the intrusion, but we are conducting an investigation. Is it okay if my soldiers go through the headquarters? We won’t take too much of your time, I promise.”

“But of course – I would be loathe to come between the Tenryou Commission and justice being carried out. But what is this about, if I may be so bold as to ask?”

“Someone stole a Vision from the Shogun, and we have reason to believe that they may have come through this way.”

“Oh, how terrible!” Said the Hydro Vision wielder who had repeatedly requested for the Vision Hunt Decree to be repealed, according to records. “Well by all means, search the headquarters. I promise you that no criminals are being harboured under this roof.”

As his soldiers checked inside the headquarters themselves, Heizou contented himself with looking around the garden and the gazebo. Nothing interesting had been found in the garden, but he had found a puddle of water by a floor cushion in the gazebo. A puddle with a lump or two of ice in it.
Now how did that get there? If it was a mess, then it should have been cleaned up immediately. Could it be a result of a Cryo Vision, due to a wound being treated? That would fit with the reputation that Lady Ayaka had amongst the populace…



He said ‘under this roof’, didn’t he? What specific phrasing that was.

Which meant that the fugitive wasn’t here.

But if not here, then where?

Hmm, if he were a fugitive, would he go back through Chinju Forest again? Unlikely, since that was the way Heizou had come from. The fugitive wouldn’t have bothered climbing up Mount Yugou – who would? So that left them with either the route to Araumi, where there were an abundance of ruin machines, or along the seashore where the worst monsters you faced were some slimes.

He saw some rain droplets falling down. He had to act quickly, if he didn’t want the trail to turn cold…

Now where was a good place to hide?

He thought that question to himself as he wandered down the beach alone (he had neglected to mention his plans aloud to his soldiers – if they asked he would say he was following a lead, which was mostly the truth. The other part was that they were jerks so he ditched them).

The cliffs were steep and tall. There wasn’t much to go off of. Maybe the fugitive HAD gone to Araumi, after all…

At least, that was what he had thought until he saw the disturbed sand. There weren’t any footprints, but there WERE tell-tale signs of someone trying to cover their tracks. Whoever the fugitive was, they were clever, Heizou had to give them that. If he had waited for the rain to pass, then there probably wouldn’t be any trail left.

Just as well he hadn’t.

He followed the trail, which eventually led up onto some grass. He looked up and saw a path leading to a little inlet in the cliffs.

Well, that was worth a shot.

He climbed up ledge after ledge until, like his intuition had promised, he came face to face with the fugitive the Tenryou Commission had sent him after.


His eyes were puffy from crying, his hair was a mess from all of the running, there was mud on his legs from when he had tripped over once or twice on his journey, but it was undoubtedly him. White and red hair wild and free. Red eyes narrowed as he glared at Heizou like he was his worst enemy.

How and why? Why was something like this happening to Heizou again – why did his friends always end up on the wrong side of the law? Was it something to do with him?

“Are you here to arrest me, detective?” His voice was wavering, but his sword, which was pointed at Heizou, was completely still. “I know what you’re after, but I’d sooner die than let that happen.”

And he meant that, with every inch of his being.

“Detective Heizou!” Came shouts from above. “Where are you?! Did you apprehend the criminal?!”

“There’s nothing down here!” Kazuha’s eyes widened as Heizou lied to his subordinates. “Check Araumi for me – I’ll meet you there!”

“Yes, sir!”

They both listened carefully as the steady sound of footsteps died away.

“Why did you cover for me…?” Kazuha said a short while later, which let Heizou know that they were far enough away to not disturb either of them. “I did it. I… I stole the Vision.”

“But you don’t look like a criminal here – you’re a victim, so my question is: why?”

“I couldn’t…” Kazuha’s bandaged hand was shaking as he showed Heizou the Electro Vision of his friend. And suddenly everything clicked into place. “I couldn’t let anyone else have it.”

The one who was brave enough to challenge Kujou Sara to a duel before the throne was none other than-

“Tomo…” Heizou whispered, his eyes tearing up. “You didn’t want it embedded on the Statue of the Omnipresent God, so you ran off with it.” Kazuha nodded. “Gods, that was so… brave and stupid of you.”

Kazuha chuckled at that, but then his tears fell in freefall, mixing in with the rain. Even now, in his darkest moments, he still managed to be so poetic and beautiful.

“Oh no, no, don’t cry, if you cry, then I’m going to-“ But it was too late, he was crying now too. “… Dammit, Kazuha, why’d something like this have to happen to you too…?” Without another word, he knelt beside his friend and pulled him for a hug. Kazuha let out a small gasp at the unexpected gesture, but with shaky hands he returned it, pulling Heizou in closer.

Once again, life had pulled the rug from underneath his feet. He winced as he heard Kazuha cry out from all the pain he was feeling inside – a horribly familiar sound to the detective.

A bloodied chest, unmoving. A pair of green stones, one shining from the sunlight, the other glistening from his old friend’s fatal wounds.
Never again.
He wouldn’t lose anyone else like this.

He held Kazuha as close as possible, his shoulders trembling as anguish from wounds old and new made themselves known.


By the time they parted, the sun was out again and it was approaching evening.

“Okay…” Heizou sighed, reluctantly breaking the embrace, but still loosely holding onto Kazuha’s arms. “I really have to go now. Any longer and the soldiers are gonna come back here looking for me.”

“I should go now too.” Kazuha agreed, drying his eyes with his bandaged hand as he stood up. “Thank you for… everything.” He said, giving Heizou probably the first genuine smile of the day. “You are a good friend.”

“If I’m such a good friend, then can you do something for me?”

“What is it?” Kazuha tilted his head to the side.

“Can you… please not die?” Heizou’s voice cracked as he finally made his innermost fear known to someone who he had only met on two separate occasions. “It’s… a selfish request, I know, but… I don’t want to lose a friend. Never again.”

“Heizou…” He found himself in the middle of another hug. “I will live, and we will see each other again. I promise with all my heart.
… Do you promise too?”

“I do.” He whispered, holding Kazuha close. “With all my heart.”

“Well then…” Kazuha let go and gave him another smile. “Until next time, detective.”

“Catch you later, criminal.” He managed to smile back.

“I should hope not.” Heizou watched as Kazuha leapt into the air, as graceful and nimble as a wind spirit, and climbed the rest of the cliff with ease.

No wonder he had an Anemo Vision.

Heizou himself clambered up the cliff with much less grace than his friend. By the time he had reached the top, sweating and gasping for breath, there was no sight of Kazuha. No trail to follow, just a familiar scent of leaves and autumn rain lingering in the air, quickly extinguished by a gust of wind.

When would he see his dear friend again?

He looked up to see the soldiers panting and puffing as they approached him again. He would face their ire for ditching them, and then make up an excuse about following a lead, and they would nod because they weren’t very good at thinking by themselves.

And as for the biggest question on his mind – when and where he would meet Kazuha again – his intuition told him to keep his eyes and ears open, and to see where the wind would take him.

Catch You Later - Chapter 2 - Tymki - 原神 (2025)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6309

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.